Lung cancer screening Treatment

Lung cancer screening Treatment

In the past decade, lung cancer is one of the major medical problems that is the leading cause of death in men and women. Successful screening of lungs helps in the initial detection of lung cancer. Annual 3 consecutive lung cancer screening reduces the high-risk of advanced lung cancer, and it lowers the mortality rate of lung cancer. Screenings are performed before the patient develops a symptom for the disease. Early detection of lung cancer and consulting the best lung cancer doctor in Delhi can be a life saviour for many. Here are some of the questions that are needed to be addressed if you are willing to go for lung cancer screening.we provide Best Lung cancer screening facility to our patient.

What is screening?

Screening is an examination of the lungs for early detection of disease before the patient develops any symptoms. The primary purpose behind screening is detecting disease at its earliest and resolving the issue with treatment before it escalates into an advanced stage. Screening includes tests such as blood and other fluids, genetic tests to check the inherited genetic markers, image tests to observe the pictures of the inside of the body. Don’t worry the screening tests do not mean you have cancer. It usually does not diagnose cancer, if the results of the screening test are abnormal, then the diagnosis for cancer treatment starts.

What is lung cancer screening?

In lung cancer screening, the patients who fall under high risk of developing cancer are screened before they develop symptoms. The individuals go under low dose computed tomography(LDTC), i.e. scanning of the chest for lumps.

The LDTC technique is an image diagnosis that amalgamates special x-ray with high-tech computers to produce cross-sectional images. LDTC produces images that are sufficient to understand if any abnormality is growing in the lungs. It uses90percent less radiation than a conventional CT Scan. The X-ray produces an image of the lungs, heart, blood vessels, bones of the spine, and airways. The other test is a sputum cytology. The test includes collecting a sample of mucus, and it is viewed under a microscope for detecting cancer cells. It helps in detecting early stage of lung cancer so you can consult the best lung cancer doctor in Delhi.

How do I know if I am eligible for a lung cancer screening?

Some certain factors decide the risk of lung cancer in your body. If you fall under the high-risk individuals’ criteria, then you are eligible for lung cancer screening. Here is the checklist for eligibility for lung cancer screening.

    •  The individual should be above 55.
    •  A smoker who has been smoking cigarette or tobacco for over 15 years.
    • A person is having a smoking history of 30 pack per year. A pack a year is used to determine the total number of cigarettes smoked in a year. A pack means one cigarette each day.
  • Have not done a CT Scan for over 12 months. 

What are the benefits of lung cancer screening?

The main benefit behind lung cancer screening is it lowers the chance of dying from cancer. Currently, cancer is one of the fatal diseases that can’t be cured if found in advanced stages. Cancer screening helps you to be aware of the disease. Screening with LDCT does not mean that you will be diagnosed with lung cancer, neither it can detect every type of lung cancer. But in some individuals, it helps as a life savour as an individual gets to know about the disease at stage zero from best lung cancer doctor in Delhi. The benefits of lung cancer screening are given below:

    • CT Scans can detect tiny nodules in the lungs; LDTC is an effective method to detect lung cancer at its earliest. 
    • No radiations remain in the body after the LDTC test. 
    • The test is non-invasive and painless.
    • X-ray used in lung cancer screening does not have any side effects. It does not even affect any metal part so patients using artificial joint or pacemaker can undergo this procedure.
    • If cancer is found in the LDTC test or lung cancer screening, then other tests are followed up for early treatment. If the patients are diagnosed with cancer at an early stage, the treatment includes minimally invasive surgery, and very little lung tissue is removed during treatment.
  • In very high-risk patients, early lung cancer screening helps in reducing the chance of death.

What are the risks of lung cancer screening?

The decision for taking up the screening test from lung cancer specialist in Delhi can be difficult. Screening tests do not ensure you totally that the results will give an early sign of cancer and most of the tests have risks. Here are some of the risk factors of lung cancer screening.

    • The false result appears when an abnormality is seen though lung cancer is not found. The patient may require the additional test to determine if they have cancer or not. These tests are CT Scan and biopsy. False-positive can lead to early treatment of cancer which can cause anxiety and other complications. 
    • Finding lung cancer will not improve your health, so if your body has developed cancer cells ultimate;y it will spread beyond the lungs and other parts of the body.
    • False-negative may occur. Due to this, it may cause a delay in the treatment and affect the overall health of an individual.
    • Exposure of radiation from CT Scan and LDTC test may even cause cancer. People at low risk or a younger age are likely to develop cancer from radiation. 
  • False-positive can lead to early treatment of cancer which can cause anxiety and other complications. 

Are there any risk factors I should be aware of before lung cancer screening?

A risk factor is increasing the chance of risk of getting cancer. In cancer, the risk factors are smoking, family history, environmental changes, etc. Some risk factors can escalate the chance of getting cancer. Here are some of the risk factors you should be aware of before visiting lung cancer specialist in Delhi.

Smoking tobacco and cigarettes are one of the high-risk factors that you should beware of. According to data in the US, around 80-90% of lung cancer is related to smoking. 

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